Channel: Preschooler – Natural Family Today

Webcams Strengthen Long Distance Relationships with Family and Friends


Webcams Strengthen Long Distance Relationships with Family and Friends

Today, our children understand the concept of email better than “snail mail”; and with many of us facing a financial lull, it’s difficult to find the time or the money to travel to see family and friends as much as we would like.

Webcams offer a unique way to connect with loved ones across the country (or the world.)

Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives will love the opportunity to see young children as they grow and have conversations with your older children. Webcams are also great for connecting with a parent who travels for business or who are in the military.

Setting Them Up

Offer to purchase a webcam for grandparents or other relatives that you wish to talk to regularly, or buy them a webcam as a gift.

Grandparents and other relatives may not be familiar with webcams or how they work. Encourage them to find a local who will set it up for them and show them how it works. Write instructions for how to start a webcam chat with you, starting from the moment they turn on the computer. Remember that this is a huge learning curve for them, and try not to get frustrated.

Choosing a Webcam

Just like T. V.s and computers, webcams are constantly becoming more advanced, with better picture quality and more features.

I recommend that you purchase an HD webcam with a built-in microphone for family chats, like the Logitech 2 MP HD Webcam C600 with Built-in Microphone. Don’t worry about added features like voice changers and special effects unless you are an advanced user.

Tips for Getting Started:

- I recommend using Skype or G+ Huddle as a video chat service. Both parties will need to use the same service to connect.

- Schedule a regular day and time to “meet” on camera. Try to come up with a time when younger children are not too rowdy and energetic; Right before bedtime is good.

- Give little kids time to get used to the idea. At first, they may not understand the concept, become bored or disinterested. It can take several times before they get the hang of it.

- Encourage grandparents to tell your children stories or do other fun things on camera. Bring up topics such as how much your children have grown lately, what activities they have been involved with, what they have been learning, and other recent accomplishments. This will keep your children involved in the conversation.

Dollar Store Sensory Tubs


Children learn through doing, and they learn through play. When we provide them with rich sensory experiences such as tasting, touching, and smelling, we are helping them to think creatively and constructively.

When you can’t go outside to explore, or you want to provide an outlet for a curious child, sensory tubs are great for building fine motor skills, allowing for messy play, and producing opportunities for curiosity and wonder.

What Is A Sensory Tub?

I’ve always wanted to try different activities with my kids but I didn’t want to create the mess and/or I didn’t have a place for all the stuff.

Sensory tubs are boxes or plastic containers that are filled with things you can touch, see, taste, smell, or even hear.  They can be themed on a topic, a sense, or an activity.

They work great for all ages, but they are usually geared towards toddlers and preschoolers.

Making Thrifty Sensory Tubs

There are plenty of ideas for sensory tubs on Pinterest, and I decided that I would try to make a few using only items I could purchase at our local Dollar Tree.

I purchased everything, including the tubs, at the dollar store.  I spent around $20 for everything shown and I had plenty of extra leaves and tongs left over (they came in a pack of 6 for $1).

Fall Themed Tub

Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I thought a fall themed tub  would be fun.  I included large macaroni, paper leaves with twistable stems, little decorative gourds, boot laces, tongs, and a scoop.


  • Lacing macaroni
  • Scooping
  • Sorting
  • Picking up objects with the tongs
  • Linking the leaves together
  • Counting

This tub was planned more for younger children who would enjoy scooping and lacing large objects (around ages 2-4) . They can touch the different textures, hear the macaroni rolling around, and even taste the pasta.

Winter Themed Tub

This tub was all about color and fluffy winter fun!

I started with some cotton balls and a package of colored pom poms.  Then I added Christmas jingle bells, themed erasers, garland, and tongs.

The jingle bells provided a lovely sound sensory and the fluffy cotton could be used to count or fill the rings on the garland.

Water Sensory Tub

By far the most popular tub for my kids and my nephews was the water sensory tub. It had plastic sea creatures, sea life sponges, plastic shower curtain rings, some decorative gemstones, a water squirter toy, a turkey baster, and of course water with a hint of green food coloring.

This tub works great for older kids as well as toddlers. My oldest nephew (6) enjoyed squirting with the baster, sorting the gemstones, and filling and squeezing out the sponges.

Making Your Own Dollar Store Sensory Tubs

Making your own sensory tubs from items you can find at the dollar store is easy and fun. The best part about these tubs is that they store nicely and you can bring them out on a rainy day when your kids just need to play their sillies out.

Be careful about storing items that can spoil and liquids.  I drained the water sensory tub and dried out the toys before I stored it. The macaroni will keep for a long time, but not forever – so I check it each time I get it out to play with.

For safety, you should always supervise your children while playing with the tubs.  Toddlers love to put things in their mouths, plus my 2-year old started to throw the cotton balls everywhere.

For more ideas, themes, and inspiration about making sensory tubs and sensory play in general, check out these awesome blogs:

Do you use sensory activities in your home? What theme would you make a sensory tub?

Get Your Kids Active Early – Top 5 Sports for Preschoolers


Participating in sports has many benefits that professionals and parents have known about for years. Sports can be a great way to provide your child with regular physical activity, routine and a structured environment to cultivate social and collaborative skills.

Children can learn to appreciate the benefits of staying active at an early age when it’s most likely to become habitual. For these reasons, it’s easy to see why parents are eager to enroll their children into organized sports.

Top 5 sports for preschoolers

Here’s a list of the top five sports for preschoolers:

1. Soccer

One commonly recommended sport for young children is soccer. Although they may not be able to understand all the rules, soccer is a simple enough game that you can coach your toddler about the basic rules and movements.

The general objective is to get the ball on the opposite side into your opponent’s goal. Preschoolers can be easily taught how to do drills with soccer balls in a reasonably low impact environment.

2. Swimming

Swimming is a highly recommended sport for small children. Because of the water’s resistance, swimming is an extremely low impact sport that has little risk of injury. It can be the perfect sport for your child. Swimming is also relatively straightforward and can be taught to a small child, and some swim schools even offer classes for infants.

It’s not only a great sport to participate in, but it’s also recommended by the APA (American Pediatric Association) that all young children should be taught how to swim to avoid fatal accidents, particularly if you own a pool or live near a large body of water.

3. Dance

Because preschoolers are so young, highly complex and competitive sports may be a bit of a challenge. It’s best in the beginning to choose sports that allow them some room for free play. It’s also important that the activity is fun so as to encourage the child to continue staying active.

Dancing can be incredibly fun and there are plenty of chances to dance around and let loose. Boys and girls alike will benefit from the movement, memorization and rhythm practiced in ballet, jazz, tap and other genres of dance.

4. Gymnastics

Toddlers love to climb and crawl, which makes gymnastics perfect for them. Their bodies are still limber and flexible and can easily perform gymnastic exercises.

Gymnastics also involve more personalized instruction, which is helpful for a young child still learning how to understand and remember rules and regulations.

5. T-ball

Preschoolers are still developing their hand and eye coordination skills, making some sports more challenging than others to play.

T-ball is a great choice for toddlers since the ball is propped on a stand as opposed to being thrown by a pitcher. This makes it easier for the child to aim, but it also significantly reduces the risk of injury. The rules in T-ball are simple enough for your child to follow along and can be played with the whole family as well.

Organized sports can be a great way to get you and your toddler more involved in the community. It’s also an excellent way to teach your child about the virtues of physical fitness and teamwork.


It’s never too soon to get started on reaping these benefits, if you choose the right sport. Pay attention to your child’s age, ability, and natural preference. It’s okay to let them try a few things out, as long as you remember that the goal is to help your child have fun and grow to love sports.

The Sex Talk


1368747_ladybugs_mating_2Last weekend, I picked up the fourth edition of A Child Is Born by Lennart Nilsson and Lars Hamberger, an absolutely brilliant, breath-taking photographic journey of a baby’s development from conception to birth. I am using it as a way of introducing sex to my children, the oldest of whom is six years old.

Some parents, especially of the generations before me, might gasp at the idea of teaching pre-pubic children about sex, but children are learning about sex younger and younger with every generation. I’m not just talking about images of sex on TV or what kids gossip about on the playground, but even more so, what their parents are modeling to them about their view of sex.

With this, I’m not referring to whether parents keep their bedroom door locked while they’re having sex or speak in hushed codes when they’re planning a “get-together” later that night, but rather the attitude they bear toward sex, particularly its purpose.

Certainly, in time, I’ll be introducing the idea of sex as a relationship tool. But “the talk” isn’t and shouldn’t be a single event in a child’s life. As advocated by Kelly Bartlett in “Kids and Sex: Getting Comfortable with The Talk” on The Attached Family, teaching our children about sex needs to begin when they’re toddlers and is done in phases, building up in details as the child grows and is able to better comprehend the complexities of the act. At my children’s ages, the main idea I want to bring to my children about sex is its purpose in conceiving new life.

Children start asking where babies come from well before most parents are comfortable with talking about sex with them, and most of our answers fall along the lines of “a seed grows in Mommy’s tummy” or “the stork brings them” or, as in my case, “when Mommy and Daddy pray for a baby and God thinks they’re ready.” And those reasons are good enough for a while, but at some point, children start to ask about the logistics of creating a baby. Maybe they heard something funny from one of their classmates or they walked in while their parents were “hugging” or, as in my case, they learned that animals “mated” to have babies and that people are animals, too. Whatever the reason, there comes a time when we need to start talking about sex in more concrete terms than “angels delivering bundles of joy to our doorstep.”

I began by describing how mommies have a teeny, tiny egg in their bellies and daddies have a tadpole called sperm, and when they get together, a baby is created instantly. A Child is Born became a handy way of illustrating what that baby looks like—what each of my children looked like as a new baby, and that I loved them as soon as they were born, oohing and ahhing about how cute they were even as a two-celled embryo! They giggled at the pictures that showed fetuses with tails, flipper arms, and webbed hands. They asked me how big they were along the way—from smaller than we can see to the size of a pea, a strawberry, a pop can. And then we got to the pictures of childbirth, and I recounted their individual birth stories and how unique they were and what my first words to them were and how different they were as they grew into the children they are today, and how much I love them now.

And then, the question: But how does the sperm get from Daddy into Mommy’s belly?

Well, parents can explain this in any way they want. I used A Child Is Born for this, whose infrared photographs give just enough detail for educational purposes without being remotely R rated. This might be too much for some children, but as my husband and I live on a small farm, “mating” is not a new concept for my children. For other families, though, graphics may be too much. Generally, the advice from experts is for parents to give the facts at the child’s level of understanding, such as “Daddy’s pee-pee touches Mommy’s belly” or “Daddy and Mommy hug each other really tight,” and then let the child’s questions guide the conversation.

What I wanted to convey is that sex is a part of the circle of life, that it isn’t shameful or gross. I don’t want them to grow up thinking of sex as a way to self-medicate or as a single-factor barometer of relationship well-being, either. I don’t want to portray sex as taboo or as a free-for-all. And these are attitudes that will shape over time, through many sex talks through the years. Ultimately, I hope that my children will see sex as what it’s biologically intended to be: how a woman and a man were designed to experience the beauty and miracle of creation of life.

I think that it’s the parents’ job to teach children about sex, as it’s the parents’ job to teach children about anything else, and I think it’s the parents’ decision of how to go about teaching their children about sex, but I do think we should give some thought as to our goals of what we want our children to learn.

Top 5 Myths About Attachment Parenting


Top 5 Myths About Attachment Parenting

Myths about attachment parenting are everywhere. They are spread by media, parents, and non parents alike. But as with most myths, I find they are born of a basic misunderstanding of what attachment parenting is.

People misunderstand attachment parenting for a variety of reasons. Some people were raised in a very different time in which anything resembling attachment parenting was seen as “weak” parenting. Some people know an “attached parent” who rubs them the wrong way, so they automatically assume that attachment parenting is not for them.

Whatever your reason for reading this article, I hope you will consider that attachment parenting is not a dogma or a set of rules, but rather a different way of looking at children and parenting.

So let’s do some myth busting. Here are the top 5 myths about attachment parenting, and why they are not true.

Myth #1 – Attachment parents must spend all of their time with their kids

Do you think that attachment parents never leave their kids? It’s not true! In fact, attachment principle #8 actively encourages parents to find balance in their lives:

It is easier to be emotionally responsive when you feel in balance. Create a support network, set realistic goals, put people before things, and don’t be afraid to say “no”. Recognize individual needs within the family and meet them to the greatest extent possible without compromising your physical and emotional health. Be creative, have fun with parenting, and take time to care for yourself.

If this means a break from your kids once in awhile, that is great! Having some time for yourself can rejuvenate you and allow you to have more patience and energy for your children.

Myth #2  – Attachment parents must practice (insert stereotypical thing here)

Attachment parenting often has a stereotypical image of a homebirthing, co-sleeping, babywearing, breastfeeding mother. But did you know that none of those things are required in order to be an attached parent?

In fact, attachment parenting isn’t about these details at all. Attachment parenting is a set of principles that allow parents to raise securely attached children.

The Principles of Attachment Parenting:

  1. Prepare for pregnancy, birth, and parenting
  2. Feed with love and respect
  3. Respond with sensitivity
  4. Use nurturing touch
  5. Ensure safe sleep, physically and emotionally
  6. Provide consistent and loving care
  7. Practice positive discipline
  8. Strive for balance in personal and family life

So why do many attached parents practice these things?

These practices are merely ways of reaching the end goal of an attached family. Different families will have different ways of meeting these goals.

The important thing is that parents make choices that are right for them, while keeping the attachment parenting principles in mind. Whether that means babywearing, co-sleeping, or breastfeeding is up to them, as long as they are keeping the emotional and physical needs of their child in mind, as well as their needs as parents.

Myth #3 – Attachment parents cannot work outside the home

Many attached parents work outside of the home. In fact, in some cases working parents may benefit from attachment parenting principles more than stay at home parents. Since working parents are away from their child more, practicing attachment parenting at home can allow them to form a secure bond when they are home.

Furthermore, caregivers can learn how to use attachment parenting principles in their care of children, bonding the child to not only his or her parents, but also to the caregiver.

It may feel strange at first to think of your child bonding to their caregiver, but who would you rather your child spend their time with? Someone who is basically a stranger to them, or someone whom they have formed a bond with?

Myth #4 – You must breastfeed to be an attached parent

If breastfeeding were a requirement of attachment parenting, then fathers would never be able to bond with their children. Of course, this is an absurd thought which proves that breastfeeding is not required for attachment parenting.

Don’t get me wrong, breastfeeding is important and strongly encouraged by attachment parenting advocates, but if you can’t breastfeed or choose not to breastfeed, you can still be an attached parent.

There are specific resources available for attachment parents who choose to bottlefeed. They can help you learn how to do so in the most nurturing way possible, strengthening your bond with your baby.

Myth #5 – Attachment parents think everyone should parent like them

As with any belief or lifestyle choice, there will always be those attachment parents who are judgmental and dogmatic about their way of doing things, even going so far as to shame parents who do not live the way that they do.

These type of people are poor representatives of attachment parenting. I hope you realize that just because these kind of people exist does not mean that they make up the majority of attached parents.

You probably know a lot more attachment parents than you realize. Some may choose to keep their parenting style a secret, and still others may not even have a name for their style of parenting.

Sure, attachment parents want to spread the news about attachment parenting and why they love it so much, but most will also respect your decision to do what’s best for your family.


No matter what you choose, I believe that everyone can benefit from attachment parenting principles. I hope you will let go of the myths that have held you back, and open yourself to the possibility of incorporating some of the attachment parenting principles into your life.

If you’re interested in learning more about attachment parenting or how to form a better bond with your child, visit www.attachmentparenting.org or read Beyond the Sling by Mayim Bialik.

What myths have you encountered about attachment parenting?

Natural Remedies and Treatments for ADHD


Natural Remedies and Treatments for ADHD

Has your child or family member been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)? Maybe it’s you that suffers from this disorder. If so, it’s important to know that medication is not the only answer.

Many people live very normal and healthy lives with ADHD without the use of conventional meds. These people have made lifestyle changes, found supplements that alleviate symptoms, and have found certain methods to help them stay attentive and calm when they need it.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a question about natural treatments for ADHD on our facebook page. Lots of readers who are also dealing with ADHD in their families spoke up about their experiences and methods for treating ADHD naturally.

Click here to read the discussion on natural treatment for ADHD symptoms.

Here I’ve gathered information from various sources to give you a feel for what options are available to you.

ADHD Diet and Lifestyle

At least a portion of those living with ADHD find some relief in diet and lifestyle changes. What do those changes look like?

Positive Routines

For one, it should be seen if a regular bedtime, 7 days a week, helps to alleviate symptoms. Regular and moderate exercise can also be helpful. There is no harm in trying these lifestyle changes, and you can go back to previous routines if they don’t make a difference.

Gut Health

Something else to try is diet changes. This includes finding out what foods the person may be sensitive to. Some people with ADHD react negatively to additives and preservatives in foods. Some have a sensitivity to wheat or gluten. A trial elimination of these foods could prove beneficial.

There is said to be a large connection between ADHD behaviors and gut and digestive health. Gut healing protocols can help with this. One of the most popular diets for healing disorders such as ADHD is the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet.

Learn more about the GAPS diet.

At the very least, a probiotic supplement or digestive enzymes can be taken to help the body absorb more essential vitamins and minerals.

Caffeine for ADHD

The evidence may be a bit anectodal, but many people with ADHD have reported that instead of making them hyper and stimulated, caffeine induces a “calming effect” on them.

The claim has merit. A 2005 study found that rats with similar symptoms to that of ADHD did better on tests when they were given caffeine beforehand.

This theory also makes since because children and adults are often given prescription stimulant medications to treat their ADHD. These medications work similarly to caffeine but on an extended release.

My conclusion: It may not last as long, but caffeine can be used as needed when times of focus are more necessary. And without the nasty side effects of extended release stimulant medications.

Source: Caffeine’s effect on ADHD symptoms

Calming Remedies for ADHD

Many natural remedies and herbs have a calming effect on those with ADHD and can be used as needed. Some companies have even developed products specifically to help with inattentiveness and hyperactivity symptoms.

Natural Remedies for ADHD symptoms:

  • Attend by VAXA – a homeopathic remedy for attention difficulties.
  • Bright Spark and Focus by Native Remedies – for ADHD and concentration support.
  • Chamomile Calm – a chamomile tincture for kids.

In addition to homeopathic remedies and herbs, there is also essential oils which can be applied as needed to treat symptoms of ADHD.

Before using essential oils, please read How to use essential oils safely and What are essential oils?

Essential Oils Commonly Used for ADHD

  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Clary Sage
  • Frankincense
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Basil
  • Marjoram
  • Chamomile

You may wish to create your own blend of essential oils with coconut oil as a base. The individual can sniff the oil or apply it as needed for symptoms. I really like to carry oils with me so that they are available to us anywhere. I use this handy essential oils roll-on applicator.

An essential oil diffuser may also be used to disperse the oils.

Supplements for ADHD

Being deficient in certain vitamins and minerals can make ADHD symptoms worse. Because of this, many people with the disorder find relief from treating these deficiencies through supplementation.

The two most common deficiencies found in people with ADHD are vitamin D and magnesium deficiency. Omega 3 deficiency is also common.

Smarty Pants makes a great vitamin D and omega 3 supplement for kids and adults. Natural Calm and Kids Calm are great magnesium supplements.

Managing ADHD Behavior

The last and final step to naturally treating ADHD is to manage behaviors on a daily basis. This can be done through a variety of means, including through cognitive behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, or just various life skills to cope with how the ADHD brain may react differently.

Parents often say that consistent positive discipline and gentle parenting approaches help tremendously. I recommend reading Parenting Your Child With ADHD, which is an alternative approach to raising a child with ADHD without medication.


Click here to read the facebook discussion on natural treatment for ADHD symptoms.

What natural methods of treating ADHD have you encountered?


Homemade Gingerbread Playdough Recipe


Homemade Gingerbread Playdough Recipe - makes a great DIY gift for kids!

Every kid loves playdough right? And though the bright colored variety is fun, this gingerbread playdough is a favorite at my house during the holidays.

If you’ve never made your own playdough, I think it’s time you find out just how easy it is.

Hint: It’s super easy!

All you need are a few basic kitchen tools, some basic ingredients, and a few minutes. The cleanup is easy, too.

Don’t Have All the Spices Handy?

When choosing a “flavor” of playdough to make, my rule is to use whatever I have on hand. Other than the basic ingredients needed to make the playdough “base”, don’t worry about the rest.

Basic Playdough Ingredients:

If you don’t have all of the spices listed, don’t worry. Other spices you have on hand will do just fine.

Nobody will be eating the playdough (I hope) so the spices are just to make the playdough look and smell like gingerbread.

Holiday Spices to Try:

Homemade Gingerbread Playdough Recipe - makes a great DIY gift for kids!

And now for the recipe…

Gingerbread Playdough


3 tsp cream of tartar

1 cup flour

1/2 cup salt

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tbsp cooking oil

1 cup water


  1. Combine all of the dry ingredients in a medium saucepan. Add the water and oil and mix well.
  2. Put over medium heat and stir consistently with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes a stiff dough.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat. Scrape the dough together into a ball and leave in the pan to cool.
  4. Store in an airtight container. Refrigerating the dough can help it keep longer.

Homemade Gingerbread Playdough Recipe - makes a great DIY gift for kids!

How to Give Gingerbread Playdough as a Gift

I love giving this playdough as a gift. It’s simple, easy, and sure to be a hit with the little ones, including nieces, nephews, grandkids, etc.

Packaging ideas include mason jars or brown paper bags decorated with ribbon or string. You can attach a cute gift tag as well.

My favorite thing to include with gingerbread playdough as a gift is a gingerbread man cookie cutter. Now your recipient will have everything they need to have hours of fun “baking” the perfect cookies!


Are you making homemade playdough for your kids or as a gift?

20 Natural Stocking Stuffers for $10 or Less


20 Natural Stocking Stuffers for 10 Dollars or less - Natural Family Today

Are you in the holiday shopping spirit?

I hope so, because I’m sharing my favorite natural products that not only make great gifts, but also make excellent stocking stuffers.

The best part? They are all $10 or less per stocking stuffer.

1. Want to put a sweet treat in the stockings this year? At under $1 per package, these Annie’s Homegrown Organic Vegan Fruit Snacks will go a long way.

2. Consider buying some play silks for your kids (or even adults on your list). They make for great texture and creative play. Use them for dancing, costumes, and more.

3. Kids and adults alike will love this 100% organic lip lotion for just $4 from Scratch Mommy. Also try her Soothing Tooshie Salve for just $7 (for a limited time).

4. These magnetic spice tins from Kamenstein attractively display spices, office, and art supplies. The price is right, too; Just $4.99 for a set of 3.

5. There is a color and style of Planet Wise Sandwich and Snack Bags for just about anyone on your list, from cutesy to stylish.

6. Give the gift of a healthy snack with Larabar Fruit and Nut Food Bars OR better yet, make your own version! You can make and package these 2 ingredient fruit and nut bites for a delicious stocking stuffer!

7. Most kids love the idea of chop sticks, but there is a steep learning curve to using them. Give the gift of fun with these adorable beginner chopsticks from Fred and Friends that any kid can learn to use.

8. This beautiful Sparkling Elijah Bracelet is made by hand from crystal and glass beads. A unique stocking stuffer gift for any jewelry lover.

9. This raspberry fruit leather from Stretch Island Fruit Co. is made from 100% fruit puree. No added sugar, flavors, preservatives, or colors. One package is plenty of fruit leathers for every stocking you need to stuff.

10. Turn healthy finger foods into something fun with Vacu Vin Snack Markers. Great for lunchboxes or snacks at home, and will fit nicely in stockings.

11. Is there someone on your list that wishes to live mindfully? These Intention Beads make a thoughtful gift that can help one to focus more on intentional thoughts and personal devotion and goals.

12. For the smoothie lover on your list, these Stainless Steel Drink Straws provide an eco friendly and machine washable alternative to disposable straws.

13. Hydration can be a stocking stuffer? You bet! These packages of 100% coconut water are not only cute but healthy and refreshing.

14. Turn a regular mouth canning jar into a drink cup with Cuppow lids. A unique stocking stuffer idea for all ages!

15. Another healthy snack idea to include: Bare Fruit Organic snack packages. 100% organic, kosher, and GMO free.

16. For the little artists on your list, try Crazy Crayons Eco Stars. They are made of 100% recycled crayons.

17. Do you know a tea drinker or herbal enthusiast? They will love this super cute tea infuser by Fred and Friends that looks a lot like a little man relaxing in a hot tub.

18. For the Keurig owners on your list (or those receiving one for Christmas), these Ekobrew K-Cups are a more eco friendly (and wallet friendly) version of the traditional k-cups.

19. Make it easier to use healthy fats in the kitchen with the Misto Gourmet Olive Oil Sprayer, a great alternative to vegetable oil spray cans and expensive store bought olive oil sprays.

20. For the little ones, Endangered Species Bath Crayons help support wildlife preservation and are made from soap so they clean while your child plays.


What natural things are you planning to fill the stockings with?

Are Fevers Good or Bad? Ending Fever Phobia


Featured post from Natural Family Today :

Are Fevers Good or Bad? Ending Fever Phobia

Something a little ironic happened last night. I was watching one of my favorite TV shows on Hulu.com when up popped an ad for Children’s Motrin. The commercial of course promoted the idea that you should always have some of this medication on hand to be “prepared” to deal with basically any headache or fever caused by illness.

It’s ironic because at the same time I was nursing a sick toddler who was running a fever and thinking about how I could keep him comfortable without giving him fever reducing medications. Why would I not be trying to bring down his fever you ask? Well, as we will explore in this article, despite a fever’s beneficial role in fighting illness, our culture has a serious problem with over-reacting to fevers, especially in children, and a serious problem in over-medicating in an effort to “bring down” a fever.

Understanding How Fevers Work

Before we can understand why a fever does not need to be treated aggressively we first need to understand how and why our body produces a fever when we are sick.

A fever is the result of our inflammatory response system (one mechanism of our immune system) working to fight off whatever viral or bacterial infection we have. Signals are sent to the part of the brain that regulates body temperature (the anterior hypothalmus) and the brain responds by employing several methods of raising our body temperature, including decreased sweating, increased cellular metabolism, skeletal muscle shivering, and constriction of blood vessels in the skin (to minimize heat loss).

The reason our bodies use fevers for fighting certain illnesses is because it is quite effective. The body is creating an environment where the virus or bacteria cannot thrive.

The Benefits of a Fever:

  • Decreases the growth and reproduction of bacteria and viruses
  • Decreases the amount of iron available to bacteria (effectively shortening it’s lifespan)
  • Enhances the migration of neutrophil (a type of white blood cell that fights infection)
  • Increases superoxide production, which can kill invading viruses and bacteria
  • Promotes T lymphocyte production (a type of white blood cell that plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity)

As you can see, fevers are a normal and beneficial mechanism of the immune system and can help the body fight illness. Yes they are uncomfortable, but they are not without benefit.

But, the information about the benefits of fevers is typically squelched by people who are worried that fevers can quickly become dangerous. Let’s spend a bit of time talking about some myths regarding the dangers of fevers in children…

Myths About Fevers

Misconceptions about fevers and their dangers are commonplace among the general population as well as the medical community. These misconceptions have been around for decades and is still one of the most common reason why children are brought to clinics and emergency departments.

In 1980 the term “fever phobia” was created in reference to unrealistic concerns about fevers and their effects on young children in particular. These fears and misconceptions about fevers span all ethnicities, education levels, and genders.

Three of the most prevalent misconceptions about fevers is that they regularly cause brain damage, seizures, and even death. Yet, these fears (and other similar fears) are often unfounded.

Let’s explore some of the biggest myths about fevers below:

Myth: Fevers are bad for children

Truth: A fever is a normal response of the body’s immune system and helps the body fight viral and bacterial illnesses. A typical fever is anywhere from 100º to 104º F (37.8° – 40° C) and is actually a good thing. A fever is a sign that your child’s immune system is working as it’s supposed to.

Myth: A fever above 104° F (40° C) can cause brain damage

Truth: Fevers caused by illness do not cause brain damage. Only temperatures above 108° F (42° C) can cause brain damage and this only happens with extreme environmental circumstances (for example, if a child is left in a hot vehicle.)

Myth: Febrile seizures are common and dangerous

Truth: Only 4% of children experience febrile seizures. Febrile seizures typically only last for about 5 minutes. There is no doubt that these seizures can be scary for parents but they are almost always harmless and they do not cause permanent damage.  Children with febrile seizures are no more likely to experience developmental delays, learning disabilities, or seizures without fever.

Myth: Without treatment, a fever will continue to climb

Truth: The brain has an internal thermostat that rarely allows a fever to go above 103° or 104° F (39.5°- 40° C). In rare cases a fever may reach 105° or 106° F (40.6° or 41.1° C). While this is considered a “high” fever, it is still a harmless one.

Myth: Fever medications can “break” a fever

Truth: Fevers can sometimes be suppressed, but they cannot be “broken”. As long as your child’s body is still fighting the illness, the fever will continue to return whenever the fever medication wears off. This will continue until your child’s immune system has done it’s job. A fever will last for 2 or 3 days with most viral infections.

Myth: A high fever means the illness is serious

Truth: A fever has little bearing on whether or not the illness is serious or not. The number on the thermometer is not as important as how your child looks and feels. There are more important factors to worry about when it comes to illness such as preventing dehydration.

The Practical Treatment of Illness (With or Without Fever)

You may be asking yourself, why does all of this matter? After all, most parents just want to keep their child comfortable until the illness has passed. What’s wrong with treating a fever?

Besides the fact that a fever is one of the good guys and is actually helping your child fight the illness faster, it’s important to note that common fever reducing medications such a ibuprofen and acetaminophen are not without risks and are often over-used. Over-dosage of acetaminophen has led to an alarming number of cases of liver damage and liver failure as of late. And while fever-reducing medications are generally considered “safe” for use with children, they are associated with higher incidences of asthma symptoms in both children and adults, especially acetaminophen.

There are more important factors to consider when keeping our children comfortable and assessing how serious an illness may be. There are certainly situations where medical intervention may be necessary. Dehydration is of particular concern for young children who are sick.

Contact your doctor if fever is accompanied by any of the following:

  • Symptoms of dehydration (lethargy, no tears while crying, more than 6 hours without urinating, etc.)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive vomiting
  • A stiff neck
  • A cough that persists for more than one week
  • Unexplained confusion or listlessness
  • Unexplained heaviness or weakness in arms or legs

How to Make Your Child Comfortable

Are Fevers Good or Bad? Ending Fever PhobiaThe best way to treat a fever in young children is to keep them comfortable. Make sure they get plenty of rest, drink plenty of healthy liquids, and eat light foods. If your child gets the “chills”, cover them with a light blanket and dress them in light clothing. But be careful not to raise their core temperature by over-dressing them or covering them in heavy blankets.

If you still feel that your child is too uncomfortable, you can try some of these natural fever remedies. Just remember, the fever is one of the good guys!

For more information on managing fevers in children, read How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn.


The article Are Fevers Good or Bad? Ending Fever Phobia was written by Vanessa Pruitt and originally published at Natural Family Today .

How to Help Your Kids Enjoy Brushing their Teeth


Featured post from Natural Family Today :

How to help your kids enjoy brushing their teeth

It’s that dreaded time of the day for you and your child: tooth brushing time.

You gently convince (and by that I mean nag) them to brush their teeth, then suddenly, all hell breaks loose! You get the same response every time: thrashing, screaming, twisting away, and a closed-shut jaw that clearly says, “No way!”

Should tooth brushing time always be this violent?

Children do not like brushing their teeth because they think it’s time-consuming and boring. It forces them to stand still (which means less time for play), shove something in their mouth and taste something weird. Besides, children don’t care about oral hygiene. However, you should.

Dental health is a vital element of a child’s overall health. And although encouraging your children to brush their teeth is not always easy, it is very important. In fact, as your child eats more food (especially sweets) that might get stuck in between their teeth, regular brushing becomes increasingly necessary.

Different children may have different likes and may respond to different methods, so you must be creative. Here are some tips you can consider on making brushing time enjoyable for your little one.

Be a model

It is known that children, toddlers most especially, like to imitate their parents. They love copying almost everything their parents do. Use this to your advantage and set an example. Sit on the bathroom floor with your toddler and allow him to see what you are doing. Show him how much fun you are having. When he sees you enjoying brushing your teeth, he might want to join. Without knowing, you have helped them start a beautiful habit.

Get your child a special toothbrush

Several parents testify that electronic toothbrushes provide very positive results. Children enjoy the way the brush feels on their teeth and finds the vibrations fun. You can buy your kid a toothbrush featuring his favourite cartoon character or his favourite toy. You can also buy a toothbrush identical to yours, only smaller. Better yet, allow your child to pick his own toothbrush!

Find the right toothpaste

The taste is one of the biggest things to consider when choosing your kids’ toothpaste. Strong minty flavours do not appeal to children; fruity and bubblegum flavours do. Children who love their toothpaste flavour are more likely to brush longer! It is also best to check what the toothpaste is made of. Does it contain natural products? How much percent of alcohol does it have? Some toothpastes can sting your child’s mouth because of strong chemicals.

Use the power or music

Sing a nursery rhyme or a special song when brushing teeth. You can make it a silly song about dental hygiene. This ritual may sound more fun and exciting for your child. You may also brush to the rhythm of the music to make the endeavour more interesting. The length of one song is also the ideal amount of time to effectively clean your teeth.

Recognise and acknowledge your child’s progress

Motivation will go a long way. You can set up an oral hygiene chart where your child can keep track of his daily brushing and his earned rewards. Congratulating them when they finish brushing is also very encouraging.


There are many more things you can do to make your kids enjoy brushing. Can you think of anything else?


The article How to Help Your Kids Enjoy Brushing their Teeth was written by MelissaPage and originally published at Natural Family Today .

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